Role of media in conflict resolution pdf

Pdf the role of entertainment media for building peace. The study specifically sought to evaluate the medias role in tuabodom conflict, to examine the perception of residence about the medias role in managing conflict and to suggest feasible policy recommendations. Role of women in peace making and conflict resolution prof. The massmedia role in conflict resolution a case study of. Conflict resolution skills edmonds community college.

However, it is believed that the media largely failed to deliver on this promise. Media and conflict resolution when war is declared, truth is the first casualty arthur ponsonby, falsehood in wartime, 1928 ilia state university, tbilisi, georgia 16th october 20 3. The reporting of conflicts and conflict resolution in the media and the way it shapes public. In a situation of conflict, the local media can play a major role in preventing the conflict. The use of questionnaires and interviews were employed as major data collection instruments.

The role of the media in peace building, conflict management, and prevention nora kuusik, aug 28 2010, 49586 views. The public relies on the media to separate facts and tangible realities from assumptions and spin, to provide a reliable account of what is really going on. It is always easier to foment conflict than resolve it, and the medias role in conflict resolution is more complicated than the roles of those. After all, two people cant be expected to agree on everything at all times. The media can be a good tool in a healthy and functioning environment but more is needed than ethical and responsible reporting to ensure lasting peace and safety. The roles of regional journalists, and the subject of press conditions in turkey in political terms, are serious. Pdf united nations role in resolution international. The role of local media in conflict resolution democratic.

However this evidence was critiqued by one paper 17, which suggests that the role of the media in promoting conflict in rwanda has been overstated. Audiences should receive an intelligent account that enables them to form their own views. The role of the media in peace building, conflict management, and. In spite of the significant roles played by the media institutions in conflict and conflict resolution, our concern is that this area of research remains ignored by. Does greater media plurality foster social cohesion or division. It is always easier to foment conflict than resolve it, and the media s role in conflict resolution is more complicated than the roles of those dominating the violence phase. Pdf assessing the role of the mass media to conflict. The role of entertainment media for building peace and establishing proper conflict resolution. This research discusses on the media coverage of separatist conflict in aceh, involving independent aceh movement and indonesian governmentarmy. The paucity of research and analysis of the media s role in conflict resolution may be attributed to. The claims that the media can play a role in promoting conflict are backed up by rather more evidence, mainly based on case studies e. In doing so, this thesis also deals with the role of media in conflict. Furthermore, media impact on conflict management is an emerging area that has been under studied due to lack of multidisciplinary models and concepts that would view media s role from peace and conflict realm. Pdf this study was embarked upon to investigate the role of the media in the management of conflict in the tuabodom area of ghana.

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